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The Cvre For COVID Is Here

The biggest lie Fauxi told about COVID was that it exists. He would rather go down in history as a murderous psychopath than what he truly is, which is an epic failure and a fraud. Gain of function didΒ not produce any novel virus. He has so much as admitted this in a new paper blaming the administration for not hyping it up even more. As if that would have even been possible.

However, had the President actually done literally nothing at all, it would have been infinitely more effective at suppressing the spread of the “invisible enemy.” If Fauxi now claims COVID has a “natural origin,” that means his laboratory produced nothing novel whatsoever. SARS-CoV-2 may very well have just been a typo for all we know at this point.

How To Cause A Pandemonium​

The global medical community made very important changes to the definitions of the words β€œpandemic” and β€œvariant” prior to declaring COVID-19 a pandemic, and certainly prior to all the even more insane names for variants like β€œDelta” or β€œOmicron.” The definition of pandemic was transformed into something that did not require a specific number of cases of a virus to be found, nor a specific number of countries that got infected. Similarly, the definition of β€œvariant” changed to only require the possibility of a genetic mutation. In other words, the stage was set for Fauxi to literally make up that a variant of a novel virus caused a pandemic through nothing but his own statements; with agreement from the global medical community. There was no prior nomenclature for any virus or disease that included the shorthand for coronavirus disease as β€œCOVID.” That’s why you never heard of any predecessor viral variants like COVID-18, COVID-17, etc. It’s also why the first variant wasn’t named COVID-20. Fauxi and his colleagues knew that simple naming like this would create a sense of familiarity which would make it harder to use to control people. By constantly transforming the name of the thing into something ever harder to understand – they kept the craziness rolling for way too long.

If you’re familiar with the Shakespearean play Romeo & Juliet, there is a famous line that says, β€œa rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” The meaning of this is that if Juliet were to change her name from Capulet to anything else, she would still be as beautiful to Romeo. Yet, in the case of viruses & diseases, a virus by any other name can be confusing, and ultimately – lethal. That’s what these pricks knew would happen: mass hysteria which would force unprecedented authoritarian control over your every movement. The resulting restrictions on civil rights have not been unwound, or uprooted – yet…